Our patients are inundating us with questions about the new weight loss medications. Here are some of the good and bad lessons we are seeing. Ozempic benefits include helping slow down food absorption in the stomach so you feel fuller longer, regulating insulin and...
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Alamo, Lafayette and Danville Newspapers
Best Nutrition for Pre-Diabetes and Diabetes
I want to introduce to you my new associate Jackie Peterson RD, CDCES. She is a Registered Dietitian like myself but has the added credential and expertise as a Certified Diabetes Care end Education Specialist. She has extensive training in working with people living...
Nutrition For Kidney Disease
Jackie RD and LindaRD receive many patient referrals from local nephrologists who have Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). Our job is to help those living with CKD overcome the confusing world of nutrition to preserve their kidney function. Often our CKD clients are also...
A Nutrition Plan for College Students
It has been very exciting this summer seeing many college kids from Orinda, Lafayette, Danville, San Ramon, Pleasanton and other surrounding towns (including my second daughter) that finally want to take responsibility for their nutrition and lose that weight in order...
LindaRD Consults with Companies On In House Meals and Snacks
I see many clients that work in offices from Bishop Ranch to Silicon Valley to San Francisco. Their offices frequently offer generous lunches and snacks galore for their employees. Yes, this certainly keeps people at work and allows for bonding and the social...
How To Find Sugar Lurking In Your Food
I am writing this article because lately I see in my practice that sophisticated clients from Danville, CA still do not realize how much sugar they are consuming in a day. I want to tell you about my client Charles from Danville CA. (name changed) that was referred by...
Case History of a Prediabetic 6 year old and Obese Mom- Danville, CA
For the first time in my practice I received a referral from a pediatrician from Danville, CA for a 6 year old girl with prediabetes. Diane took Carly to see her doctor in Danville, Ca. because all of a sudden she was wetting the bed, having to go to the bathroom...
Case Study with Remarkable Results- Danville, CA
The following is a real case study and teaches us how poor health can be transformed with some easy, sensible changes in diet. I received a frantic call from Jan from Danville, CA (names are changed) asking for help with her husband Tom who was just discharged from...
End Diabetes Type II Without Drugs
Yes, its true. Minor changes in your diet with moderate exercise will bring your blood sugar levels down to normal in a very short time. This is not an exaggerated claim but reflects real results I see everyday in my practice. Even my husband received bloodwork that...
Lets Feed Our Kids Right
As parents we need to realize that eating right in childhood is the most powerful weapon against the growing epidemic of adult diabetes and cancer. Adopting sound eating habits early are the best bet for having healthy teens and adults tomorrow. Michelle Obama tells...