LindaRD is a great speaker. She conveys important information in an entertaining and easy-to-understand manner. She has given literally hundreds of presentations to a large variety of groups including corporate sessions, “Lunch and Learn” meetings for small businesses, community groups, physicians and schools. LindaRD is available to speak on a wide variety of nutrition topics.

Popular Nutrition Seminars
- How To Eat on The Run
- Holiday Survival Tips
- Fast Food and Restaurant Cuisine
- Eating for Peak Performance
- Supermarket Smarts
- Diabetes Made Simple
- How to Enjoy a Low Cholesterol Lifestyle
- A Tasty Way to Lower Blood Pressure
- How Can I Help My Child Lose Weight?
- Losing Weight the Right Way, No More Fad Diets!
- How to Prevent Snack Attacks
A sample of companies LindaRD has presented seminars to include:

LindaRD often speaks to San Ramon and Mt. Diablo Valley District schools. Each year she puts on workshops for the PTAs and appears at select classes teaching Nutrition and Good Health.
LindaRD is a favorite speaker for many local organizations; such as Rotary, Lions, Soroptomists, Chambers of Commerce, and Toastmaster’s Clubs.
LindaRD also caters to health, sanitation and diet-compliant services such as Nursing Homes and Assisted Living services.
Call LindaRD at (925) 855-0150 or Email her at to discuss topics of interests for your target group.
For many clients, health insurance will cover LindaRD ’s fees. Click Insurance for more information.