Lately, I am seeing many clients from Orinda CA, Lafayette CA, Danville CA, Pleasant Hill CA, Walnut Creek CA, San Ramon CA and Alamo CA that are casualties of the latest quick weight loss schemes such as Ideal Protein, Paleo, Cambiati Cleanse and John Muir’s Walnut Creek Fasting Program. As I commonly hear, my client from Orinda CA told me he lost 40 pounds in six weeks on Ideal Protein and was very happy about it but did not feel well throughout the time he was on the program, often felt food deprived and did not have the energy to exercise. As I see in almost all these programs, Jim gained back the 40 pounds he lost plus more. I feel that it is my job as a Registered Dietitian in Contra Costa County to educate my community where people have sophisticated tastes and enjoyment of the good things in life to help them achieve their weight loss goals and keep those pounds off forever.
The story has not changed with fasting programs. Your body gets use to a 800 calorie regimen a day and then when you get off the fast and eat at least 1500 calories a day the weight comes back plus more. I tell these post fasting people who find me that I am adamant about their exercising at a high level twice a day and eat meals close to the time after they exercise so their food will be burned off more rapidly. Unfortunately, these programs have a major downside where they do a very poor maintenance job – people are lost as what to do after the initial weight is lost.
The best of these new fads are the Paleo Diet since it includes fruits, veggies and nuts and eliminates all processed foods where the ingredients in these foods do not provide much nutritional benefits such as excess fat, sugar, salt and preservatives. However, the negative side of this diet is it does not allow whole grains, potatoes and legumes that are important sources of B vitamins for energy or dairy that contains calcium for bone which many people lack in their diet. The big failure of these diets are they rigidly restrict eating for enjoyment which leads to cravings that cause bingeing where the result is usually low self esteem and sense of defeat. When I hear about their experiences on these crazy fad diets I only wish my new clients had seen me first to save time, energy and money so I could put them on the road for permanent weight loss.
I was very overweight as a young person and only through quality nutrition education was I able to finally lose the weight permanently and to this day I know my method is the only effective way to achieve weight loss forever.
When I work with a new client I take a lot of time to look at their home and work life and understand how food, restaurants and social life play a role in their life. All people are different with their own unique triggers for eating the wrong things so taking an individualized approach I know is the essence of my success with people. Whether they are a sophisticated foodie, overindulge due to emotions or are plain uneducated about nutrition I work with each person to establish a day to day meal plan right for them. I take it as an exciting challenge to do whatever it takes to make my client successful with weight loss. I often will visit my client’s home and evaluate their present food shopping habits, will go food shopping with them at their favorite store, discuss and help them decide on restaurant choices and be there for motivation and support to help create successful days or when they fall apart from binges or when they hit plateaus. If my client wants to have their martini and a glass of wine for dinner I show them how, if they want to have pizza every Friday night with the kids I show them how, if they don’t want to give up the desserts they love I show them how. For example, I show them how to avoid sweets on an empty stomach or in between meals where the result is usually feeling tired, dehydrated and brain dead but rather eat those delicious desserts after a meal when they can better control portion size. There is no need to deprive yourself of the foods you enjoy but you need to consume them in the right way.
Yes, you can learn, once and for all, how to enjoy your favorite foods and not make them the enemy while permanently achieving your weight goals.
LindaRD has found that she is most successful when she interacts with her clients often daily to help them navigate their way thru their food world. Each phone call spans across client meals from the previous day thru the following day. The phone calls enable clients to receive just enough nutrition information to take them forward to the next day. Linda is very excited tell you how this method has proven to be very successful for weight loss. So, no matter where you live from Orinda CA, Lafayette CA, Pleasant Hill CA, Danville CA, San Ramon CA or Alamo CA LindaRD is available to help you today!!
Linda’s services are often covered by health insurance. Please feel free to call Linda at (925) 855-0150 or e-mail her at and tell her about your nutrition concerns. Refer to website for past articles, recipes and nutrition tips in her blog section.