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Vegetable and Fruit Calories Charts: Too Much Fruits and Vegetables, Healthy or Not?


Are there calories in vegetables and fruits?

Fruits and vegetables are always regarded as the healthiest food group there is. Conventional knowledge tells us that they are good sources of vitamins, minerals and substances that enable us to keep our immune system in check and protect us from chronic diseases. Most people realize this truth, but fruitarians and vegetarians and those who are on a drastic diet tend to munch on fruits and vegetables like there’s no tomorrow. Well, fruits and vegetables are better than chomping on fries and cookies, but too much of something is not always appropriate. Remember, there are calories in vegetables and fruits, too.

Fruit Calories Chart: Identify the highest and lowest calorie fruits

It may sound like a paradox to the established belief but fruits contain sugar, water, fiber, and wonderful vitamins. They are very rich in calories which should be included in your total calorie intake if you’re on a diet. Gobbling ten apples a day with 81 calories each is equivalent to eating a large bowl of lite ice cream. Consuming a mango (135 calories) and three bananas (105 calories each) is no different than 2 cups of pasta. Fruit juices, which became a diet trend sometime in this decade, are not even as healthy as we think they are since sugar is much more concentrated. Drinking huge volumes of fruit juices leads to health risks like diabetes and insulin spikes.

I see in my practice that clients are overeating on fruits especially in the summer months. I explain to them that two servings of fruit are adequate to obtain the Vitamin A and C that they need. I show them that the serving size for a fruit is very small as seen on the chart below.

I tell my client instead of eating a large bowl of grapes or a half a watermelon you are better off enjoying a reasonable size serving of a dessert.

Unfortunately, the calories for fruits are never seen in the produce department. People generally have a major misconception about the tremendous amounts of calories in fruits.

The table below contains the list of calories in fruits. This is a useful guide if you’re on a diet and you want to incorporate more fruits in your eating program.

Fruit Calories Chart
Fruit and Serving Size Calories
Apple,1 raw apple with skin 81
Apricots, 3 medium 51
Avocado, 5oz or 145g 250
Banana, 1 medium 105
Blackberries, ½ cup (C) 37
Blueberries, ½ C 40
Sweet cherries, 10 49
Dried dates, 10 228
Dried figs, 10 477
Grapefruit, pink/red, ½ medium 39
Grapes, 1 C 58
Guava, 1 medium 46
Honeydew, 1 C, cubed 60
Kiwi, 1 medium 46
Mango, 1 medium 135
Nectarine, 1 medium 67
Navel orange, 1 medium 60
Papaya, 1 medium 119
Peach, 1 medium 37
Pear, 1 medium 98
Pineapple, 1 C 76
Plum, 1 medium 36
Dried prunes, 10 201
Seedless raisins, ⅔ C 300
Raspberries, ½ C 30
Strawberries, 1 C 45
Tangerine, 1 medium 37
Watermelon, 1 C, cubed 51

Which is the lowest calorie fruit? Which one is the highest?

Vegetable Calories Chart: Find out how many calories your favorite vegetable holds

Same as with fruits, yes, vegetables have calories, too. They have no fat and are half the calories of fruits except for peas, potatoes, corn and legumes.

I say, “Yes vegetables are very important when it comes to losing weight. They are high in fiber and give you the immediate feeling of fullness after being consumed.”

I am always emphasizing the need to combine veggies with lunch and dinner. For lunch I suggest adding pickles, coleslaw, cherry tomatoes, baby carrots, etc. Build your sandwich with extra lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, and sprouts. I always say make extra veggies for dinner so that you can take them to work the next day for lunch.

This table below is a guide on vegetable calories. Surely, you can see that eating too many vegetables in a day does not amount to many calories compared to eating too many fruits.

Vegetable Calories Chart
Vegetable and Serving Size Calories
Alfalfa sprouts, 1 C, raw 10
Artichoke, 1 medium, boiled 150
Asparagus, 6 spears, boiled 22
Beets, ½ C, boiled 37
Broccoli, ½ C, raw 12

Brussels sprouts, ½ C, boiled 30
Green cabbage, ½ C, raw and shredded 9
Carrot, 1 medium, raw 31
Cauliflower, ½ C, raw 13
Celery, 1 stalk, raw 6
Corn, ½ C, boiled 89
Cucumber, ½ C, raw slices 7
Eggplant, ½ C, boiled 11
Green beans, ½ C, boiled 22
Romaine lettuce, ½ C, shredded 4
Mushrooms, ½ C, raw slices 9
Onions, ½ C, raw chopped 30
Parsnips, ½ C, boiled slices 63
Peas, ½ C, frozen, boiled 62
Potato, 1 medium, baked 161
Sweet pepper, ½ C, raw chopped 14
Radishes, 10, raw 8
Spinach, ½ C, raw chopped 6

Summer squash, ½ C, raw slices 13
Tomato, 1, raw 26

The cliché, “too much of something is bad” holds true when it comes to fruits and vegetables. You must remember that fruits and vegetables alone cannot fill the dietary requirements of the body. You also need to eat something which can give you enough protein and every other needed nutrient missing in the two. And that, fruits and vegetables should be taken in moderate servings for an overall excellent health and fitness.