LindaRD, Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist is presently seeing many clients from Santa Clara County or what is known as Silicon Valley. Let me tell you about my client Allen that works for Cisco Systems in San Jose in Santa Clara County. Allen wanted counseling by a Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist for weight loss along with uncontrolled blood pressure. He googled nutritionists in Santa Clara County and found me on the healthprofs directory that linked him to my website
Allen has been on blood pressure medication for a year and his doctor was not happy with his numbers. He told him if he would lose weight and get on a consistent exercise program he would have success. His doctor suggested that he find a Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist in the San Jose area, in Santa Clara County to help him along the way.
Allen is single and eats most of his meals in restaurants. He travels often for Cisco Systems in San Jose, Santa Clara County and often eats at restaurants several meals a day. He is not active and he even said that he would drive a few blocks instead of walking. Allen could not get himself motivated to become healthier and lose weight and get his blood pressure under control.
Allen came to my office in Alamo, CA for his initial appointment which is 45 minutes away from his home in San Jose, Santa Clara County. I was glad to inform Allen that I am an Aetna provider and nutritional counseling is a benefit under his healthplan with Cisco Systems in San Jose, Santa Clara County.
In my initial session with Allen I educated him on to read the food label for sodium, protein, fiber, fat and calories per serving. Allen never took the time to read the food label for sodium which is of upmost importance with his high blood pressure. I explained to him that he needed to keep his intake of sodium to 1500 Mg/day. I told him that he had to start becoming more creative with preparing his own meals because of the high sodium in typical restaurant meals. I listed for him breakfasts that he can easily make at home such as oatmeal and a low sodium, high fiber and protein cereal, Kashi Go Lean Cereal. Allen did not realize that all breads have a lot of sodium and he needed to replace them with his own brown rice, whole wheat pasta and potatoes. I suggested that he make his own chicken on the weekends and buy fresh veggies that can be steamed in the bag, along with baked potatoes.
Allen agreed that he needed me to come to the market with him and show him the healthiest convenience foods to buy so that he would not be eating out in restaurants all the time. Allen came from San Jose, Santa Clara County on a weekend and met me at Trader Joe’s in Danville, CA. He was very excited to see how many convenient and interesting options he had for meals. He loved the already cooked brown rice in pouches as well as all the fresh veggies in bags that can be cooked in the microwave. We looked over all the foods and reconfirmed with him what is a healthy food for him based on the sodium, fiber, protein and fat content. Allen left the store feeling very motivated to begin his new venture to become healthy again.
We have been talking thru phone and e-mail from his work in San Jose, Santa Clara County. I am glad to tell you that in one month Allen has lost 10 pounds and his blood pressure is decreasing. He now feels ready to start a walking program since he feels lighter on his feet.
It is a great pleasure working with Allen and getting him to reach his goal to lose 30 pounds and get off ofblood pressure medication for once and for all.
If you are located in Santa Clara County we can set up appointment at your convenience to see LindaRD, Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist. Please call her and see how easy she is to talk to.
If you are interested in a topic that you would like me to discuss please
contact me and let me know.
Linda would like to share her knowledge and expertise as a registered dietitian and certified nutritionist in the
following towns and cities of Santa Clara County: