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Health Benefits of Flax Seed


The cultivation of flax seed can be traced back as early as 3000 BC in Babylon. Back then, flax seed was consumed for its health benefits. In the 8th century, King Charlemagne, aka the founder of Europe, strongly believed in the health benefits of flax seed that he passed laws that order his people to consume it. Today, flax seed is a celebrated wonder food. Because of modern science and countless hours of research, facts and promising studies offer concrete evidence that support the health benefits of flax seed.

Flax Seed Benefit #1

Flax Seed Prevents Cancer

Flax seed is high in ALA, lignans and fiber – 3 of the strongest cancer fighters out there.

  • ALA or Alpha Linolenic Acid is an Omega 3 which prevents inflammation and inhibits tumor growth.
  • Lignans are natural compounds that offer protection against cancer due to their antioxidant and estrogen-like qualities.
  • The high fiber content in flax seed sweeps toxins out of our bodies and specifically reduces the risk of colon cancer>

Flax Seed Benefit #2

Flax Seed Keeps Your Heart Healthy

The Omega-3s in flax seed lower your cholesterol level, prevent your arteries from hardening, and keep plaque from building up in your vessels. Thus, giving you one happy heart!

Flax Seed Benefit #3

Flax Seed Lowers Your Blood Sugar Level

Well, isn’t this wonderful news for all diabetics? Eating flax seed is great for controlling or reducing blood sugar levels due to its high fiber content.

Flax Seed Benefit #4

Flax Seed is Women-Friendly

Why? Flax seed intake can reduce the amount of hot flashes menopausal women experience by half. Flax seed is also known as a phytoestrogen. It is an estrogen-like substance that helps regulate hormone levels in women and consequently can ease the symptoms of menopause.

Flax Seed Benefit #5

Flax Seed Fights Constipation

Flax seed promotes regular bowel movements because of rich fiber content. Fiber helps the body absorb fiber efficiently which in turn softens the stool and allows it to pass the colon quickly. Also, because of flax seed’s natural oils this helps to prevent constipation.

Flax Seed Benefit #6

Flax Seed Curbs Bad Cholesterol and Triglycerides

The combination of flax seed consumption, low-fat diet, and proper exercise shows a significant impact in lowering total cholesterol levels and triglycerides.

Flax Seed Benefit #7

Flax Seed Lifts Your Mood

Omega 3 is known as a mood-lifter. Since flax seed is high in Omega 3, enjoying flaxseed in your cereal can positively impact your mood. So next time, when you’re feeling down and blue get busy in the kitchen and whip up a delicious breakfast with flax seed. Look for preground flax seed and sprinkle 1 or more Tablespoons in hot or cold cereal, yogurt, soup, or fruit juice.

The flax seed must be ground in a grinder- any whole seeds not crushed will pass through you undigested.

Flax Seed Recipe

Here is a flax seed muffin recipe from Prevention that provides 25 grams of flax seed per muffin.

  • 1 ¼ cup flour
  • 3 cups ground flaxseed
  • 1 Tbsp. baking powder1/3 cup light molasses
  • ¾ cup fat free milk
  • ‘2 Tbsp canola oil
  • ½ cup egg substitute
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Whisk together flour, flaxseed and baking powder. In a separate bowl, stir together
  3. remaining wet ingredients. Stir into dry ingredients until just moistened.
  4. Pour into 2 ¾  inch muffin pan coated with vegetable spray. Bake until done, about 18 minutes.
  5. Can be frozen for use as needed. Makes 12 muffins